Frequently Asked Questions

Who should I contact if I have questions about the Symposium?

For any questions regarding the DoD Energy and Environment Innovation Symposium, please email

How do I register for the Symposium?

Register for the meeting by visiting the Symposium website

What is included in the cost of my registration?

Registration includes access to the plenary session, technical sessions, short courses, poster sessions, and technology demonstrations. Breakfast, lunch, and light receptions will be provided on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Breakfast will also be provided on Friday. Additionally, you receive log-in credentials to use the mobile event app to help navigate your Symposium experience.

Are meals included with my registration?

Breakfast, lunch, and light receptions will be provided on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Breakfast will also be provided on Friday. Several coffee breaks will also be provided throughout the week. The evening receptions include a cash bar. 

Can I cancel my registration?

Please find our cancellation policy here.

Can I purchase my registration when I get to the meeting?

Yes, attendees will be able to register on-site. It is encouraged for all attendees to register for the Symposium in advance, if possible, to help quicken to check-in process. This also allows us to plan accordingly for the appropriate number of attendees and manage any accommodations needed.

Are speakers and poster presenters required to register?

Yes. Please register for the meeting by visiting the Symposium website.

Can I see what sessions will be presented before I arrive on site?

Yes. The program is posted online here. The agenda will be populated with more speaker details and the schedule of presentations for each session closer to the Symposium.

Where can I find guidelines and information about poster presentations?

Submission for poster abstracts has not yet been opened. The Poster page of this website will be updated with guidance once the submission period has been opened. After posters are selected, the Poster page will be updated with poster guidelines and setup/tear down times.

Is there a hotel room block?

Yes. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved that attendees can book their rooms under here. The room block will close on Friday, November 15.

Symposium Details

Dates and Location
December 3-6, 2024
Washington, DC

Code of Conduct

Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave., NW,
Washington, DC, 20009