2024 Symposium Exhibitors
Cross Plains Solutions
Manufacturer of SoyFoam™ TF-1122 firefighting foam.
Manufacturer of SoyFoam™ TF-1122 firefighting foam.
Savron is a multi-national provider of sustainable applied smoldering solutions (STAR/STARx).
Savron is a multi-national provider of sustainable applied smoldering solutions (STAR/STARx).
Geosyntec Consultants
Geosyntec has more than 2,600 engineers, scientists, and related technical and project support personnel committed to technical leadership and client service as the foundations for producing practical, efficient, and sustainable solutions for our clients' most complex environmental, social, and governance challenges.
Geosyntec has more than 2,600 engineers, scientists, and related technical and project support personnel committed to technical leadership and client service as the foundations for producing practical, efficient, and sustainable solutions for our clients' most complex environmental, social, and governance challenges.
ES3 is a niche engineering firm providing specialized design, development, and fabrication of products for aerospace and other heavy industry sectors.
ES3 is a niche engineering firm providing specialized design, development, and fabrication of products for aerospace and other heavy industry sectors.
Arcadis is the world's leading company delivering sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy solutions for natural and built assets. We are more than 36,000 people, in over 30 countries, dedicated to improving quality of life.
Arcadis is the world's leading company delivering sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy solutions for natural and built assets. We are more than 36,000 people, in over 30 countries, dedicated to improving quality of life.
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program & Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (SERDP & ESTCP)
SERDP & ESTCP are the Department of Defense's (DoD) environmental, resilience, and installation energy and water research programs, harnessing the latest science and technology to improve DoD’s environmental performance, reduce costs, and enhance and sustain mission capabilities. The Programs respond to environmental, resilience, and installation energy and water technology requirements that are common to all of the Military Services, complementing the Services’ research programs. SERDP & ESTCP promote partnerships and collaboration among academia, industry, the Military Services, and other Federal Agencies.
SERDP & ESTCP are the Department of Defense's (DoD) environmental, resilience, and installation energy and water research programs, harnessing the latest science and technology to improve DoD’s environmental performance, reduce costs, and enhance and sustain mission capabilities. The Programs respond to environmental, resilience, and installation energy and water technology requirements that are common to all of the Military Services, complementing the Services’ research programs. SERDP & ESTCP promote partnerships and collaboration among academia, industry, the Military Services, and other Federal Agencies.
Operational Energy Capability Improvement Fund & Operational Energy Prototyping Fund (OECIF & OEPF)
OECIF & OEPF are the Department of Defense’s programs that develop and demonstrate technologies to improve operational energy. OECIF & OEPF apply cutting edge science and technology to developing and demonstrating innovative, cost-effective, supportable energy solutions to meet joint requirements, lower carbon emissions, and maintain freedom of action in energy constrained environments.
OECIF & OEPF are the Department of Defense’s programs that develop and demonstrate technologies to improve operational energy. OECIF & OEPF apply cutting edge science and technology to developing and demonstrating innovative, cost-effective, supportable energy solutions to meet joint requirements, lower carbon emissions, and maintain freedom of action in energy constrained environments.
Sustainable Technology Evaluation and Demonstration Program (STED)
STED is the Department of Defense’s program that facilitates broader awareness and increased acceptance of sustainable technologies across Military Services and other Federal Agencies. The STED Program is designed to validate the performance of sustainable technologies and products against current mission requirements while creating awareness of their capability to cost effectively support operational readiness, resilience, and security.
STED is the Department of Defense’s program that facilitates broader awareness and increased acceptance of sustainable technologies across Military Services and other Federal Agencies. The STED Program is designed to validate the performance of sustainable technologies and products against current mission requirements while creating awareness of their capability to cost effectively support operational readiness, resilience, and security.
Participation as an exhibitor does not imply or constitute Department of Defense endorsement.
Symposium Details
Dates and Location
December 3-6, 2024
Washington, DC
Code of Conduct
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave., NW,
Washington, DC, 20009